PDF To Image Converter is an application program based on Windows platform, which can directly convert PDF files to dozens of image formats, such as TIF, TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, EMF, PCX, TGA and so on, it does support whole PDF file to image file conversion, include text, line, arc, ellipse, Bezier, color, image, form and other type elements.
It supports dozens of image formats, include TIF, TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, WMF, EMF, PCX, TGA, etc;
It converts PDF to Vector format (WMF and EMF);
It converts PDF to searchable WMF and EMF files;
It converts PDF to ClassF TIFF file (Fax compatible TIFF format);
It is convenient and easy to operate, and pdf files can be added into file list and converted fast;
It supports Password Protected PDF file conversion;
Specify any resolution in the generated Image files;
Standalone software, Adobe Acrobat and Reader NOT required!
It supports batch conversion;
It supports produce multipage TIFF files;
Intelligent processing of large files;
It supports conversion into 1, 4, 8, 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit format;
It supports for PACKBITS, CCITT FAX4, LZW, JPEG compression of TIFF images;
It can be launched from command line, from batch file or another application;
Supports PDF1.5 protocol (formerly only supported by Acrobat6.0)
PDF To Image Converter v1.3 program is very easy to use.
Registration Window:
The demo version of PDF To Image Converter is
can only convert first one page from PDF file, if you wish convert more pages,
you need purchase the full license of PDF To Image Converter software. After you are convinced that the program fits your needs, you are strongly encouraged to purchase and register your copy of the software by acquiring a personal unlock key.
In your evaluate period, you may click "Try" button to try this software
Main interface of the software:
PDF To Image Converter Copyright @ 2000 - 2004 verypdf.com Inc
Convert PDF to TIF, TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, WMF, EMF, PCX, TGA, etc. formats
Release Date: Oct 13 2004
Usage: pdf2img [options] <-i PDF File> [-o Output]
-i [input PDF file] : Specify input PDF filename
-o [output TIF file] : Specify output TIFF filename
: Convert to 8-bit grayscale image file, this option
is only available while bitcount equal 8 (-b 8)
: Set output to multi-page TIFF file, the
default is output to single page TIFF files
-r [resolution] : Set resolution in generated
image files
-r 300
: Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 300 DPI
-r 200x300 : Set
horizontal and vertical resolution to 200x300 DPI
-r 204x98 : Set
horizontal and vertical resolution to 204x98 DPI
-f [first Page] : First page to convert
-l [last Page] : Last page to convert
-c [compress] : Set compression method
in generated image
files (for tif only)
-c none
: Create TIFF file without compression
-c lzw
: Compress TIFF using LZW arithmetic
-c jpeg
: Compress TIFF using JPEG arithmetic
-c packbits : Compress TIFF
using packbits arithmetic
-c g3
: Compress TIFF using CCITT G3 arithmetic
-c g4
: Compress TIFF using CCITT G4 arithmetic
-c ClassF :
Compress TIFF into Fax compatible ClassF format
-q [quality] : Set quality in
generated image files(for jpg only)
-b [bit count] : Set bit count in generated
iamge files
: Help
pdf2img -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\output.tif
pdf2img -m -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\output.tif
pdf2img -c lzw -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\output.tif
pdf2img -q 80 -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\output.jpg
pdf2img -b 4 -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\output.tif
pdf2img -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\output.tif -b 1 -c ClassF -r 204x98 -m
pdf2img -f 1 -l 9 C:\input.pdf -o C:\output.jpg
pdf2img -i C:\*.pdf -o C:\*.pcx
Windows98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 OS.
64M or more memory.
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